A Microbibliophile is a journal dedicated to the world of miniature books, defined as a book bound with covers that is no larger than three inches in length and width. Founded in January 1977 by Robert F. Orr Hanson, The Microbibliophile was originally published as a four-page loose-leaf newsletter. (The LXIVMOS, published, in the late 1920s, and The Miniature Book Collector, published in the 1960s, are among other related journals.) In 1980, the format was changed to a booklet and the practice of affixing a photograph to the cover was initiated. Hanson continued as editor and publisher until 1997; Jon Mayo, a longtime Vermont bookdealer, assumed leadership of the publication until the January 2011 issue. The name of the publication was changed in 2023 to A Microbibliophile. James M. Brogan is the current editor.
The mission of A Microbibliophile is to gather and report information about miniature books and the book arts as related to miniature books. The journal publishes reviews and criticisms about newly published and submitted miniature books as well as informative articles about all facets of the world of miniature books.
The Editor’s message with each issue, Notes From the Squeaky Rolltop, serves to highlight the issue contents.