A MICROBIBLIOPHILE© is a miniature book newsletter/journal and welcomes Letters to the Editor, display and classified advertising, books for review, and news about miniature books, miniature book publishers, authors, printers, binders, related research materials, and the book arts. Please contact the editor for further information concerning acceptance criteria of submitted information that must be reviewed as being appropriate, by the editor, subject experts, and publisher prior to publication. Articles that do not carry a byline are the work of the Editor.
A MICROBIBLIOPHILE© is published bi-monthly: January, March, May, July, September, and November by A Microbibliophile, 53 Dreahook Road, Branchburg , NJ 08876.
2024 Subscription Rates
(6 issues per year, via digital format)
No Charge/year, USA, Canada, overseas
(The no charge rate reflects the lower costs of the new digital distribution format)
Send inquiries to:
(contact the Editor concerning deadlines for submitting articles for upcoming issues)
Advertising Rates
(discounts available for repeated inserts)
Full Page: 5.5” x 7.5” - $75.00
One-half Page: 5.5” x 3.75” - $50.00
One-quarter Page: 2.75” x 3.75” - $30.00
Business Card Ads: $23.00 per year
Classified: Up to 250 characters - no charge!