March 16, 2018

 Spring is in the air...well almost! If you look at the trees and plants you can see the buds of new leaves and flowers beginning to swell with the increased hours of daylight. It makes no difference if they are still covered in ice and snow; the presence of more daylight is the alarm clock for their annual schedule.

Let me first say that I received more compliments on the last issue than I think I have received in total previously.  The readers' compliments were about the quality and diversity of the contributed articles. My compliments, as well, go to all of the contributors to The Microbibliophile. Well done to everyone!  Remember, The Microbibliophile is a palette for your ideas, contributions, and suggestions.  

The March issue contains three new miniature book reviews. I received several comments and pieces of information concerning the article and information presented about the FDR collection. Caroline Brandt stated that she also has a copy of an FDR miniature initialed by FDR with an FDR bookplate. The folks at Campobello Island are very interested in the effort we are undertaking to document the FDR collection, along with an invitation to visit the site and examine the books on hand.  WOW, a road trip for the editor of The Microbibliophile!  

The articles in this issue again reflect the depth of our reader/contributor diversity.  Todd continues with a unique genre of collecting, Nina keeps us posted with her series on the LXIVMOS, miniature newspapers by Stephen Byrne, Cathie Abney helps us with "book terms," there is special review by Bob Hanson, and a 1966 reprint by REM.  Browse the Table of Contents for yourself and enjoy the journey, I certainly enjoy putting it all together for you.

What would you like to read, learn, and/or possibly contribute?  I personally invite you to take a turn at the Frontispiece story; you can even pick the picture to match your story.  The horizon is your border of opportunity, good will, and adventure. Share your thoughts and journeys. Please visit our updated website at  Lastly, thank you for the opportunity to bring The Microbibliophile into your life.  



Another year of The Microbibliophile, next issue, Volume XXXVII, Number 3, Issue 213 (expected publish date 05/10/2018).  Reading is a great experience, sharing what we have read is a blessing. Some of the joys of the new season:

  • The Importance of Being Ernest, by Oscar Wilde, published by Tony Firman

  • Meet the Publisher, Purgatory Press, Esther Smith and Dikko Faust

  • Youth, by Isaac Asimov, published by Plum Park Press

  • It’s Convoluted, published by Patricia Caernarven-Smith

  • Theodore Hesburgh, by Msgr. Francis J. Weber, El Camino Real Press

  • The Young Bibliophile, maybe a simple new book format to make

  • ‘An Antiquarian Delight’, Poetry For Children, by Charles Lamb, a reprint

  • ‘Out of the Box’, something old for sure, maybe an REM scroll keepsake

  • Some more information of the specific books in the FDR collection

  • Nina Mazzo, LXIVMOS Number 16

  • And most important of all, something from you…..

    Keep me posted on what is going on at your press or with your collection. Anticipation and searching is half of the fun. We all love the details.